How to configure SMSGTE to send and receive SMS with your DMR Radio on the WNY Digital Network..
Launched in 2014, SMSGTE is a service that allows amateur radio operators to exchange text message between their DMR radios and SMS (cellular text messages). The gateway is in operation today, however development continues with a focus on reliability, resiliency and deployment flexibility.
Please note, it is not necessary to register to use SMSGTE. Registering with the website is only necessary if you want to use the web management tools to configure your aliases, shortcuts and view your profile. Please remember to login to BM SelfCare and set the proper messaging type for your DMR radio.
There are a few things that need to be done before you can register to use the web tools. These steps are all published in the User Guide, but I’ve consolidated them here to make things easier.
Step 1 – Send a message
Before you can register, you must send a message through the gateway that originates from your DMR radio. All messages should be directed to private call N2CIDGW (310999) in your contacts. To send a message from your DMR radio, simply address your message to N2CIDGW with the following format:
SMSGTE @<number> <message>
To: N2CIDGW Message: SMSGTE @6135551234 No cell coverage here, ping me on radio
Step 2 – Set Your Phone Number
You must now associate your cellular number with your callsign. To add a number to your profile:
SMSGTE #mynumber add <number>
To: N2CIDGW Message: SMSGTE #mynumber add 6135551234
Step 3 – Set Your Password
The password command cannot be sent via APRS, as it would send the password in the clear, making it vulnerable. It must be sent from the phone number you associated with your callsign in step 2.
From the cellular number you added in step 2, send the password command to the number you received your test message from in step 1. To set your password:
#password set <password>
#password set pass12345
Once you have completed these steps, you can complete the registration form to gain access to the user tools. From then on to send a message to your DMR radio just send a message like so..
To: 12017620073 Message: @N2CID Hello, this is a test.